Note:  These updates are informational only.  It is not legal advice.  
If you have questions about the information in any update, please contact us so we can properly assess
your situation and discuss a resolution that best suits your government.

Enforcing Policies Saves Money

Clients sometimes call us with questions regarding the discipline of employees for violation of sick leave or vacation policies. As public employers, your discipline options may be governed by a collective bargaining agreement, by personnel policies, or by both.

Food, Travel and Lodging

Carolyn H. Connelly As you are probably aware, Oregon ethics laws impose limits on the value of gifts that public officials (such as city councilors, board members and staff) may accept from entities with a legislative or administrative interest in the decisions made by those public officials. There are several exemptions from these gift restrictions. […]

Lose Those Liability Gaps

Ross Williamson Like most of you, the attorneys at the Local Government Law Group started the New Year by making New Year’s resolutions. But, as local government junkies, some of our resolutions can be a little “different”. This year, we skipped the weight loss resolution. Instead, we are resolving to help our clients lose those […]

The Appropriate Role of Elected Officials for Collective Bargaining

Diana Moffat From our Spring 2015 e-newsletter When local governments (cities, counties, and special districts) are negotiating successor Collective Bargaining Agreements with their unions, it is good to take some time to think about the role of elected officials in the process. Elected official involvement is critical for successful negotiations. But should that involvement extend […]