Note:  These updates are informational only.  It is not legal advice.  
If you have questions about the information in any update, please contact us so we can properly assess
your situation and discuss a resolution that best suits your government.

Construction project in your future? Remember 1.5% for green energy!

Ross Williamson From our Spring 2015 e-newsletter Is your public entity considering a new building, or the major renovation of an existing building? If so, you need to consider whether state law requires the inclusion of green energy technologies in your building project. Oregon law requires public entities, including local government entities, to spend 1.5% […]

Employment Investigations: When Should We Hire an Outside Investigator?

Christy K. Monson From our Spring 2015 e-newsletter Most employers understand that they have a duty to promptly and fairly investigate employee complaints, especially where discrimination, harassment or retaliation is alleged. However, even sophisticated employers may not have given much thought to when they should hire an outside investigator as compared to handling the investigation […]

Conducting a 360-Degree Review for Local Government Upper-Level Managers/Supervisors

Diana Moffat From our Fall 2015 e-newsletter As we enter a new fiscal year, have you given thought to conducting a performance evaluation on your upper-level managers, supervisors, department heads? Getting performance feedback benefits our upper level management staff, just as it benefits our other employees. For upper level management, other than City Managers, County […]

Marijuana Issues for Local Governments

Lauren Sommers From our Fall 2015 e-newsletter On July 1st recreational marijuana became legal in Oregon. Folks 21 and over are allowed to grow up to four plants, and to possess 8 ounces of useable marijuana, 16 ounces of solid marijuana products and 72 ounces of liquid marijuana products per household. Those 21 and over […]