Full Legal Services for Municipalities of All Sizes

The Local Government Law Group

Over one hundred government entities — from cities to special districts and counties — rely on the Local Government Law Group for counsel on legal and policy issues. Our group’s focus on plain language legal advice, paired with on-point policy insight, has proven invaluable for many Oregon governments.

Our Attorneys

The Local Government Law Group attorneys boast a wide range of specializations, but we all share the same dedication to providing responsive, common sense, collaborative support to clients. From bond measures to public record requests, land use to labor negotiations, our team offers the high level of specialization your government requires. We leave no category of government law unsupported.

Latest Articles

One Year of Recreational Immunity

Oregon’s “recreational immunity” law has been a hot topic in the local government world this past year. After a July 2023 Court of Appeals decision, which interpreted and applied the statutory protection in a new way, the Oregon legislature recently passed a bill temporarily re-framing recreational immunity under law.

Ordinances, Resolutions, and Motions

Unlike Federal and State systems, local governments typically do not have separation of powers.  For instance, a Fire District Board may in a single meeting act like a legislature by passing a fire code, or act as an executive branch by approving a contract.  The type of decision will dictate the form used.

Serial Meetings and Oregon Government Ethics Commission Oversight

Did you think public meeting hazards couldn’t get stickier? Think again! The 2023 Legislature adopted House Bill (HB) 2805, which amends Oregon’s public meetings law in four ways.

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