Note:  These updates are informational only.  It is not legal advice.  
If you have questions about the information in any update, please contact us so we can properly assess
your situation and discuss a resolution that best suits your government.

Telecommunications/Cable Franchise Update

Christy K. Monson From our Winter 2019 e-newsletter A while back some of you may have received an email from the League of Oregon Cities explaining that the Federal Communications Commission was in the process of taking testimony about how cities and other local governments collect fees from cable and telecom companies for the use […]

How Should We Be Paying DPSST Trainees?

Mark Wolf From our Winter 2019 e-newsletter Late last year the Bureau of Labor and Industries (BOLI) issued a report detailing violations of wage and hour laws by the Ashland Police Department regarding trainees at the DPSST Academy. In November of last year, BOLI sent a letter to all law enforcement agencies alerting them of […]

Holy BOLI! The Impact of Final BOLI Rules on Employer Equal Pay Analyses

Dan Lawler From our Winter 2019 e-newsletter In November of 2018, the Oregon Bureau of Labor and Industries (BOLI) issued administrative rules to explain your duties as an employer under the Equal Pay Law, which, among other things, offers some protections from liability for employers who conduct an “equal pay analysis.” This means that you […]

HB 2016 Post Janus, MORE OR LESS?

Diana Moffat From our Summer 2019 e-newsletter On June 20, the Governor signed into law HB 2016. The Freedom Foundation, a staunch support group for cases like Janus and limits on public employer union rights and privileges, called HB 2016 the “Unions’ Latest Love Note to Themselves.” And a love note, it is! The Freedom Foundation claims […]