Note:  These updates are informational only.  It is not legal advice.  
If you have questions about the information in any update, please contact us so we can properly assess
your situation and discuss a resolution that best suits your government.

Serial Meetings and Oregon Government Ethics Commission Oversight

Did you think public meeting hazards couldn’t get stickier? Think again!
The 2023 Legislature adopted House Bill (HB) 2805, which amends Oregon’s
public meetings law in four ways.

Ordinances, Resolutions, Motions, and Orders

In law school, one of my professors encouraged students to review familiar rules (Rules
of Civil Procedures or Trial Court Rules) no less than annually to avoid complacency in
our knowledge and understanding of them. This is a practice…

Tis the Season for Bargaining

What does the Holiday Season mean to you? Gathering with family and friends?
Lots of good food? Lots of shopping? Getting ready to ring in a New Year?
Gearing up for bargaining season? Yes! In the world of public sector government,
the approach of the…

Public Records Requests for Notes, Drafts, and Preliminary Documents

How does your public entity respond if it receives a public records request for “all” documents for a particular matter? Does everything in a file need to be released, even if it is not a complete or final version?

Many public bodies may think that only a final…